HECHO applauds Colorado for taking a critical step to restore protection for the state's wetlands and streams.

Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed bill HB24-1379 into law to protect wetlands and streams left vulnerable by the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last year.  

This law makes Colorado the first state in the nation to take action to protect its waters after the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) authority—under the Clean Water Act — was sharply undercut to safeguard millions of acres of waterways from pollution and destruction. 

"We applaud the state of Colorado for taking this critical step to restore protection for wetlands and streams from pollution, degradation, and destruction. These waters are essential to preserve ecosystems, provide clean drinking water for our communities and farming, help mitigate climate change effects, and recreation," said Camilla Simon, executive director of Hispanics Enjoying Camping, Hunting of the Outdoors (HECHO). 

HECHO is a proud member of the Protect Colorado Waters coalition, which played a significant role in supporting this legislation. We stand united with other organizations in expressing our gratitude to Speaker Julie McCluskie, Senator Dylan Roberts, Representative Karen McCormick, and Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer for their leadership in advancing this legislation, which establishes a permitting program to protect wetlands and streams while ensuring industries are held accountable.