Blog: Fly Fishing Is a Sport for Everyone. Take the First step, and Let’s Catch Some Fish!

By Ivan Valdez, angler and owner of The Reel Life Fly shop in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

I was still in diapers when I held a fishing rod for the first time. That passion for fishing and the outdoors started when I was a kid and has stayed with me ever since. My dad instilled that love for nature in me, and now I have instilled it in my son. 

Engaging in outdoor activities like fly fishing offers a unique escape from the modern world. It's a chance to disconnect from technology, step away from the daily grind, and immerse yourself in a world of tranquility. It's a day in harmony with nature, yourself, and the people around you. 

Fishing is not all about catching fish. It's the experience you get being in the outdoors. Some days, Mother Nature throws curveballs at you and fish aren't biting, but those days can also be amazing because fly fishing is an all-around experience.

As an outdoor enthusiast, fly fishing guide, and owner of a fly-fishing shop, I find it rewarding to see an absolute novice start catching fish or help people who come to my store with whatever they need and answer their questions. 

There are different methods of fishing. Bait fishing -using bait to attract and catch fish- is very popular, but it could be boring as you are stationed at a place waiting for something to happen. I encourage people to get into fly fishing. You're always looking for specific little spots and areas in the river where these fish are, and there are so many different species you can fly fish. It just broadens your horizons and opportunities. 

There are a few misconceptions about fly fishing that I'd like to debunk, and for those who are hesitant to take the first step, I have some advice that might help you feel more confident and excited about trying out this rewarding activity.

  • Fly fishing is not for the elite. It is not expensive or complicated.

Fly fishing has the stigma of being an elitist sport. That's for the rich. But it doesn't have to be like that; we don't want that. The more people who are out fly fishing, the merrier. This is an outdoor activity that anyone -regardless of background or budget- can do. While there is some expensive equipment -as there are costly luxury cars when you go to a car dealer- you don't have to buy it to start. If you come to our shop, we are not salespeople; we will work with you, your budget, your level, and your needs to purchase the proper equipment. It is also important to note that most equipment has a lifetime warranty.

Everyone who wants to fish needs a fishing license, which is cheap and easy to obtain. Every state is different, and these permits' prices vary for non-residents and residents. In New Mexico, a resident pays around $35 to $40 for an annual fee, and a non-resident pays around $70. You can get the permits at the New Mexico Game and Fish website, or stores like ours sell permits and can do the process—which takes about five minutes—for you. 

  • Don’t be afraid to try it out, but seek advice and help to get started. 

Before you get out there on your own, get advice from experts –at our shop, we are always excited to answer any questions and help– and, even better, take a guiding tour if it is your first time. We, instructors, are very patient, and love teaching the basics of fly fishing. We will guide you step by step. Often, I get people at our shop who feel frustrated because it didn’t go well because they drove to a location and the water conditions weren’t good. We can give recommendations to address any concerns and ensure you can get the most out of your experience.

  • Be open-minded and embrace the experience.

When you go fly fishing, remember it's not always about the catch. The uncertainty of the outcome, the failures, and the triumphs are all part of the thrill of being outdoors. Embrace the day! 

  • Get your kids and family involved.

Unfortunately, in today's world, we are losing connection to the outdoors and with each other. People, and even little kids, are glued to screens, missing out on many experiences that can enrich their lives in many ways. I encourage everyone to take their kids and family fly fishing. This is an opportunity to bond with your loved ones and create long-lasting memories. I take my dad and son fishing on my boat. Life is short, and these moments are forever. 

Fly fishing is for everyone. Fly shops like ours are here to answer questions and make everyone comfortable. Feeling welcomed and encouraged is vital for the community. Don't be afraid; take the first step, and let's catch some fish!

For more information, visit The Reel Life or call (505) 995-8114.