Take Action for Arizona
Dear Senators Kelly and Sinema,
As Arizona residents, we write to express great concern about the future of our water, climate, and public lands.
Fossil fuels have exacted an enormous toll on our environment by accelerating global warming, polluting our air and water, and impacting our public health. The fossil fuel industry has also extracted record profits at the expense of taxpayers and our shared resources, with little to no accountability from lawmakers.
We fear for the future of Arizona – our summers are getting increasingly hotter, our water resources are dwindling, our forests are burning, our air quality is worsening, and wealth inequality is growing.
We must act aggressively to curb fossil fuel emissions in this country. As your constituents, we ask you to be a leader in regulating the oil and gas industry, making wealthy CEOs and shareholders pay their fair share, ending subsidies to the industry, and standing up for the future of Arizona.
Although Arizona is not a significant oil-and-gas-producing state, we will disproportionately bear the impacts of climate change if we don’t act now to mitigate the impacts derived from fossil fuels.
We have great confidence that you will stand up for Arizona in this crucial moment and act in the best interest of your constituents, not the polluting corporations.